Top 10 Science Based Exercises for Six Pack Abs

Top 10 Science Based Exercises for Six Pack Abs

What are the best exercises for six-pack abs?

Looking for a way to achieve the six-pack body you’ve been dreaming of? The key to a fit body is discipline, consistency, and precise workouts. You need to ensure that you’re hitting the exact muscle group. And you can do that by doing the right core-enhancing exercises. The focus of your exercise should be on your core muscles. Not only does it help you build that six-pack, but it also helps with balance and endurance. You need the best exercises to aid you in your fitness journey. So, here are the top ten scientifically-proven exercises that will help you!

1. Plank

Planking is a basic but effective way to target your core muscles. It builds strength in your core, and this includes your abs. Start by going on all fours on the ground. Lower your forearms to the ground for support and extend your legs. It is similar to a push-up

2. Bicycle Crunches

Bicycle crunches are an efficient exercise to exercise your upper and lower abs. Lie on the ground facing the sky. Lift your right leg off the floor and bring your left knee to your right elbow while straightening the other. And do this with the other side. Mimic is a cycling motion like riding an imaginary bicycle.

3. Russian Twists

Russian twists target your obliques and can be effective for an ab-burning exercise. Sit on the ground and bend your knees to make a slight pyramid with your legs. Lift both feet off the ground. Slightly lean back and twist your upper body from side to side. Touch the ground with your hands as you do so.

4. Mountain Climbers

One dynamic ab exercise that can engage your entire core is Mountain climbers. You start in a push-up pose and bring your knees alternately to your chest in a climbing motion.

5. Hanging Leg Raises

If you’re looking for a more challenging ab workout that targets the lower abs, try Hanging leg raises. It is an exercise that requires more effort by hanging from a pull-up bar. Let your arms extend. Bring your legs upward towards your chest while making them straight. And bring them downwards in a controlled manner.

6. Reverse Crunches

One more exercise that targets your lower abs is Reverse crunches. You lie on your back while your legs are bent and lift your feet. Bring your knees upwards to your chest so your hips lift off the ground. And lower them back down.

7. Swiss Ball Rollouts

Swiss ball rollouts are another exercise that targets all your core muscles. You begin in a push-up pose while your hands are on the Swiss ball. Slowly roll the ball forward and extend your arms as far as possible. Maintain your balance and control. And roll it back towards you. Start in a push-up position with your hands on a Swiss ball.


8. Standing Cable Woodchoppers

Standing cable woodchoppers is another efficient technique to work out your obliques. In a high pulley, connect a cable handle of choice. While standing, your side is facing towards the cable machine. Pull the handle diagonally and across your body. Your torso should rotate and move with this motion.

9. Ab Wheel Rollouts

Ab wheel rollouts are a workout to target and engage your entire core. Kneel on the ground and place your hands on an ab wheel. Slowly roll it forward while extending your arms as far as possible. Again, maintain proper balance and control. Slowly roll it back towards your body while keeping your core engaged.

10. Dead Bug

The dead bug exercise is an effective way to engage all your core muscles. Lie down on your back and extend your arms up towards the ceiling. Bend your legs at a 90-degree angle while you do so. Slowly lower your right arm and left leg to the ground in a controlled manner. Repeat this motion on the other side.

Include these science-based workouts in your exercise to help build that six-pack. Feel free to also try Fuel Health’s Creatine to build muscle faster and bulk up!

Ab exercises are gradual and increase in intensity with time. Make sure not to rush your exercises, and always maintain a proper form. In this way, your body can gain that six-pack through correct execution. A consistent and steady routine will surely help you get that six-pack in no time.